This post is updated from 2022, as it still in the news. See recent discussions of this topic here, here, and here
You have likely seen headlines that both claim the benefits of moderate drinking (i.e., here) and that no levels of drinking is safe (i.e., here). So how can these different outcomes be reconciled? Several public health advocates (Harvard School of Public Health, Mayo Clinic, US Centers for Disease Control) have put together websites outlining the risk to benefit calculus of alcohol consumption. For many people, the added risks of cancer as a result of even moderate alcohol consumption may outweigh cardiovascular or other potential health benefits. This was the main consensus of the large meta-analysis that was published in the Lancet, a prestigious British medical journal, which lead to recent pronouncements from the World Health Federation and other major health agencies. So, what should an informed consumer do with this information? Perhaps the best advice is to recognize that alcohol consumption is one of the many risk-associated behaviors that must be navigated when it comes to our overall health and wellbeing.
The alcohol value chain creates considerable revenue along with the generation of employment opportunities all around the world. Additionally, explained health benefits of low-level alcohol consumption including reduced risk of cardiac disease, safeguard against type 2 diabetes, enhanced renal function, increased life expectancy, etc. are certainly the bright side of alcohol consumption. However, the addictive nature of alcohol consumption drags people to consume in excess leading to multiple health complications and associated social issues. Yearly around 2.4 million deaths worldwide are attributed to alcohol consumption. In the US, the estimated death per year associated with excessive alcohol consumption is 95,000. Besides, excess alcohol consumption is also a leading cause of domestic violence and is one of the major factors leading to reduced workplace productivity. The estimated cost of excessive alcohol use is about 250 billion USD per year. On the personal side, excess consumption leads to liver damage, cardiovascular disfunction, reduced immunity, and numerous health issues along with reduced mental ability, psychological stress, social degrees, etc. Thus it’s our own responsibility to avoid being addicted to alcohol and drink wisely and safely.