Specific Protein development through Fermentation

In Fermented Foods in the News by Molly R2 Comments

Typically, when you think of fermented foods you think of common items such as yogurt, wine, beer or cheese. This fermentation process is used to develop flavor or the functionality of products through microbial anaerobic digestion. There is also precision fermentation which uses microorganisms to product specific functional ingredients. This process is used to ferment rennet for cheese or can be used to make specific proteins. Using precision fermentation food technologists can create dairy free whey protein products.

In early 2024, the company Imagindairy received approval for animal free dairy whey proteins. This allows for development of a broader food ecosystem as proteins can can be developed form microorganisms instead of animal sources. With the development of different proteins through process fermentation greater opportunities can be created for food sources. This process also allows for ingredients to be produced sustainability that can fill functionality roles. This is incredibly important as the demand for dietary protein is expected to increase. Precision fermentation has the opportunity to advance how proteins are developed. However as these proteins continue to be developed there is an opportunity because not all food regulations approve the use of precision fermentation derived ingredients. The products are Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) which triggers the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide a “No questions” letter, however these proteins are not approved by the European Food Safety Authority. Which argues the question are they safe?


  1. It is incredibly interesting how fermentation has moved into alternative protein! Precision fermentation specifically helps produce proteins while being considerate of environmental and ethical concerns. Those with dietary restrictions from allergens, religion, or economic status could benefit greatly from animal-free dairy whey proteins. Since this is a relatively new product based within the USA, regulatory requirements will differ per country. Historically, many European countries have much stricter guidelines for foods and require more in depth research and testing on health impacts. Both regulatory agencies mentioned have specific guidelines for market readiness and standards of health. The perception of food safety across the globe is an ongoing issue that continues to

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